The 104th Commencement Ceremony of Keuka China Programs at TUST
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
“Keuka College President Dr. Jorge L. Diaz-Herrera, Vice-President Dr. Anne Weed and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses Dr. Michael Hwang attend the 104th Keuka College Commencement Ceremony (Keuka China Programs Cohort Class of 2008) held at Tianjin University of Science and Technology”
On the morning of May 30, 2012, Keuka College President Dr. Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Vice President Dr. Anne Weed, and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses, Dr. Michael Hwang participated in the 104th Keuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST). Eighty-five graduates from the Keuka China Programs entering Class of 2008 cohort group received their Keuka College Bachelor of Science in Management degree diplomas. In attendance from Keuka’s Chinese partner university TUST included TUST President Dr. Cao Xiaohong, Vice President Wang Shuo, Director of TUST’s Office of Foreign Exchange and Affairs Wu Zhenjun, Dean Zhang Jianguo of TUST’s International College, former Dean Sissy Liu, and faculty and staff from TUST’s International College.
Keuka College President Dr. Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Vice President Dr. Anne Weed, and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses, Dr. Michael Hwang at the 104th Keuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST)
In his commencement speech, Dr. Diaz-Herrera reminded the Keuka China Programs graduates from the entering Class of 2008 cohort group at TUST that they are part of a group of “very few students anywhere in the world today who will earn separate undergraduate degrees from two great academic institutions, from two different nations, two far apart continents, and in two very different languages.”
Dr. Diaz-Herrera delivering his commencement speech at the 104thKeuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST) on May 30, 2012.
In the evening, Dr. Diaz-Herrera hosted an appreciation dinner where he hosted TUST leaders, administrative staff and faculty of TUST’s International Business to a wonderful dinner banquet in downtown Tianjin. During the dinner, Dr. Diaz-Herrera presented a “Lifetime Outstanding Education Contribution Award” to TUST President Cao Xiaohong and Vice President Wang Shuo. He also presented “Outstanding Contribution Awards” to TUST Director of TUST’s Office of Foreign Exchange and Affairs Wu Zhenjun and Vice Director Zhao Xin, Mr. Zhao Peiqin, and TUST International College Dean Zhang Jianguo, former Dean Sissy Liu, KCP Program Coordinator Xu Xuetian.
Dr. Diaz-Herrera presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Xu Xuetian, Program Coordinator for Keuka China Programs at Tianjin University of Science and Technologys International College thanking her for her many years of hard work and dedication to the Keuka China Programs at TUST.
At the dinner, Dean Zhang Jianguo presented Dr. Diaz-Herrera with a very meaningful album containing handwritten and handmade pictures and messages from Keuka China Programs graduates and students sharing their joy and excitement at Dr. Diaz-Herrera’s attending the commencement ceremony at TUST for the first time in his official capacity as President of Keuka College and how they look forward to the next ten years of the Keuka China Programs, a golden era for the cooperation program at TUST.
Dean Zhang Jianguo of TUSTs International College presents Dr. Diaz-Herrera with an album containing handwritten and handmade congratulatory messages from TUST Keuka China Programs students.
“Keuka College President Dr. Jorge L. Diaz-Herrera, Vice-President Dr. Anne Weed and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses Dr. Michael Hwang attend the 104th Keuka College Commencement Ceremony (Keuka China Programs Cohort Class of 2008) held at Tianjin University of Science and Technology”
On the morning of May 30, 2012, Keuka College President Dr. Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Vice President Dr. Anne Weed, and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses, Dr. Michael Hwang participated in the 104th Keuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST). Eighty-five graduates from the Keuka China Programs entering Class of 2008 cohort group received their Keuka College Bachelor of Science in Management degree diplomas. In attendance from Keuka’s Chinese partner university TUST included TUST President Dr. Cao Xiaohong, Vice President Wang Shuo, Director of TUST’s Office of Foreign Exchange and Affairs Wu Zhenjun, Dean Zhang Jianguo of TUST’s International College, former Dean Sissy Liu, and faculty and staff from TUST’s International College.
Keuka College President Dr. Jorge Diaz-Herrera, Vice President Dr. Anne Weed, and Administrative Chancellor for China Campuses, Dr. Michael Hwang at the 104th Keuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST)
In his commencement speech, Dr. Diaz-Herrera reminded the Keuka China Programs graduates from the entering Class of 2008 cohort group at TUST that they are part of a group of “very few students anywhere in the world today who will earn separate undergraduate degrees from two great academic institutions, from two different nations, two far apart continents, and in two very different languages.”
Dr. Diaz-Herrera delivering his commencement speech at the 104thKeuka College (Keuka China Programs) Commencement Ceremony at Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST) on May 30, 2012.
In the evening, Dr. Diaz-Herrera hosted an appreciation dinner where he hosted TUST leaders, administrative staff and faculty of TUST’s International Business to a wonderful dinner banquet in downtown Tianjin. During the dinner, Dr. Diaz-Herrera presented a “Lifetime Outstanding Education Contribution Award” to TUST President Cao Xiaohong and Vice President Wang Shuo. He also presented “Outstanding Contribution Awards” to TUST Director of TUST’s Office of Foreign Exchange and Affairs Wu Zhenjun and Vice Director Zhao Xin, Mr. Zhao Peiqin, and TUST International College Dean Zhang Jianguo, former Dean Sissy Liu, KCP Program Coordinator Xu Xuetian.
Dr. Diaz-Herrera presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Xu Xuetian, Program Coordinator for Keuka China Programs at Tianjin University of Science and Technologys International College thanking her for her many years of hard work and dedication to the Keuka China Programs at TUST.
At the dinner, Dean Zhang Jianguo presented Dr. Diaz-Herrera with a very meaningful album containing handwritten and handmade pictures and messages from Keuka China Programs graduates and students sharing their joy and excitement at Dr. Diaz-Herrera’s attending the commencement ceremony at TUST for the first time in his official capacity as President of Keuka College and how they look forward to the next ten years of the Keuka China Programs, a golden era for the cooperation program at TUST.
Dean Zhang Jianguo of TUSTs International College presents Dr. Diaz-Herrera with an album containing handwritten and handmade congratulatory messages from TUST Keuka China Programs students.