Course Description
Introduction to the Career Management & Experiential Learning

FP401 Experiential Learning & Career Management is a 3-credit “entirety” program for four years’ curriculum, which is composed of two parts. Please see below chart

This is a student-oriented practicum curriculum. Students not only acquire knowledge, but more important is that student apply the knowledge to real learning, life, and work, including on campus life with students and teachers, in society with colleagues and employers, and at home with parents. Students need to combine knowledge and experience.

This is an “entirety” program for college four years’ curriculum, and the purpose is to make the students ready for the job-hunting after graduation. This course is from freshman to senior, with various theory and application and field period experiential each year, and in each year, students need to submit a report.

The essence of this curriculum is “learn by doing”. During the study, students gain practical experience outside the classroom and learn how to apply classroom knowledge learned to real life and life situations. Among them, the emphasis "learn by doing" provides students with a foundation for lifelong learning and training throughout the career of students required to process a positive attitude and effective work habits.