The 20th Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop - Beisen Career Assessment Training Courses
Hosted by Keuka China Programs Shanghai Office, presented by Jimei University, Fujian, Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop - Beisen Career Assessment Training Courses drew to a complete close at Jimei University on March 28, 2010.
Since 2003, Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop has been held 19 times. The 20th Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop lasted for two days (March 27 and March 28, 2010). Dr. Michael T.C. Hwang lectured on the topics of Career Management – Experiential Learning and Creative Thinking. Ms. Lily L.X. Liu taught the course on design of Career Management – Experiential Learning. The invited speaker Zhu Xiuhua from Beisen Education Company lectured on “How to guide the students to do career assessment”.
Over 200 teachers from KCP partner universities and friendly universities got together to study and discuss how to make the students better understand themselves and set up clear career target by the course Career Management – Experiential Learning. This course will be more localized and characterized.
Since 2003, Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop has been held 19 times. The 20th Keuka China Programs Career Management and Experiential Learning Workshop lasted for two days (March 27 and March 28, 2010). Dr. Michael T.C. Hwang lectured on the topics of Career Management – Experiential Learning and Creative Thinking. Ms. Lily L.X. Liu taught the course on design of Career Management – Experiential Learning. The invited speaker Zhu Xiuhua from Beisen Education Company lectured on “How to guide the students to do career assessment”.
Over 200 teachers from KCP partner universities and friendly universities got together to study and discuss how to make the students better understand themselves and set up clear career target by the course Career Management – Experiential Learning. This course will be more localized and characterized.