International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education Conducts Accreditation Review of Keuka College Cooperation Program at Jimei University
From February 22 to 24, International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) President Mr. Dennis Gash, Keuka College Dean of Business and Management Ms. Ann Tuttle, and IACBE accreditation reviewer Dr. Napoli Kamdar visited the Jimei University, Fujian, P.R.C. campus as part of an accreditation by IACBE of the business programs of Keuka College, New York, U.S.A.
Mr. Dennis Gash and Ms. Ann Tuttle were greeted by Jimei University Vice President Cao Mingjie. In addition to welcoming Mr. Gash and Ms. Tuttle, Vice President Cao introduce the history and background of Jimei University. Vice President Cao pointed out that the Keuka College and Jimei University cooperation program received approval by the Ministry of Education starting in 2002. And since that time, there have been approximately 4,000 students who have attended this cooperation program. Vice President Cao indicated that through the hard work of Keuka College and Jimei University to deliver high quality education program, the academic cooperation program has received very positive feedback from employers of the programs graduates and from the society.
Mr. Dennis Gash introduced the background and function of IACBE. He stated that the accreditation provided by IACBE is directed toward assessing and ensuring quality business programs offered by divisions and colleges of business and its member institutions.
The IACBE accreditation delegation visited student resource facilities including a student library and classrooms. They also met with administrators and faculty from Jimei University. During their visit, Mr. Gash also gave a presentation called “The IACBE and its Process of Accreditation and Quality Assurance” to business and management administrators and faculty members from Jimei University.
Separately, Mr. Dennis Gash and the IACBE delegation visited President Ye Guanghuang of Chengyi University College, Jimei University. During their visit, Mr. Gash and President Ye discussed the details and importance of accreditation.
2月22日至24日,美国商学院教育评鉴委员会主席Dennis Gash, 美国商学院教育评鉴委员会董事长Ann Tuttle教授、评鉴专员 Nipoli Kamdar博士一行到我校开展项目办学质量保证评估。该评估系美国商学院教育委员会针对授予美国大学管理学学位的第三方评估,评估每五年举行一次。
副校长曹敏杰分别会见了Dennis Gash主席及Ann Tuttle院长。曹敏杰对代表团的来访表示欢迎,并向客人介绍了我校的办学历史、发展现状及特色学科设置情况。他指出,自2002年集美大学与库克大学合作项目获得教育部批准以来,已培养了近4000名学生。一直以来,集美大学和库克大学共同努力,着力提高教学质量,学生综合素质得到了明显提高,毕业生深受用人单位和社会各界的欢迎和好评。库克项目已成为比较知名的中外合作办学品牌项目,在省内以及周边地区获得了较好的知名度和社会影响力。曹敏杰希望利用这次评估及时发现不足,通过双方及时沟通、调整和改进,总结经验,推动该项目更好地发展,提升学校办学的国际化水平,促进中美文化教育的交流与发展。
Dennis Gash介绍了美国商学院教育评鉴委员的功能和运行模式,指出美国商学院教育评鉴委员的首要任务是对相关商科院校教学进行评估,以确保所有学生受到良好的专业教育,学有所获。他对集美大学为确保合作办学项目教学质量所做出的努力表示赞赏,对学生们所取得的进步表示满意。
评估组一行考察了学校相关教学生活设施,听取相关课程,查阅相关资料,访谈师生代表以及毕业生代表,并与相关行政管理人员开展座谈等。期间,Dennis Gash还为我校相关学科的教师做了“认识国际大学商学院教育认证委员会及其评鉴程序和学术质量保证”的学术报告。
Mr. Dennis Gash and Ms. Ann Tuttle were greeted by Jimei University Vice President Cao Mingjie. In addition to welcoming Mr. Gash and Ms. Tuttle, Vice President Cao introduce the history and background of Jimei University. Vice President Cao pointed out that the Keuka College and Jimei University cooperation program received approval by the Ministry of Education starting in 2002. And since that time, there have been approximately 4,000 students who have attended this cooperation program. Vice President Cao indicated that through the hard work of Keuka College and Jimei University to deliver high quality education program, the academic cooperation program has received very positive feedback from employers of the programs graduates and from the society.
Mr. Dennis Gash introduced the background and function of IACBE. He stated that the accreditation provided by IACBE is directed toward assessing and ensuring quality business programs offered by divisions and colleges of business and its member institutions.
The IACBE accreditation delegation visited student resource facilities including a student library and classrooms. They also met with administrators and faculty from Jimei University. During their visit, Mr. Gash also gave a presentation called “The IACBE and its Process of Accreditation and Quality Assurance” to business and management administrators and faculty members from Jimei University.
Separately, Mr. Dennis Gash and the IACBE delegation visited President Ye Guanghuang of Chengyi University College, Jimei University. During their visit, Mr. Gash and President Ye discussed the details and importance of accreditation.
2月22日至24日,美国商学院教育评鉴委员会主席Dennis Gash, 美国商学院教育评鉴委员会董事长Ann Tuttle教授、评鉴专员 Nipoli Kamdar博士一行到我校开展项目办学质量保证评估。该评估系美国商学院教育委员会针对授予美国大学管理学学位的第三方评估,评估每五年举行一次。
副校长曹敏杰分别会见了Dennis Gash主席及Ann Tuttle院长。曹敏杰对代表团的来访表示欢迎,并向客人介绍了我校的办学历史、发展现状及特色学科设置情况。他指出,自2002年集美大学与库克大学合作项目获得教育部批准以来,已培养了近4000名学生。一直以来,集美大学和库克大学共同努力,着力提高教学质量,学生综合素质得到了明显提高,毕业生深受用人单位和社会各界的欢迎和好评。库克项目已成为比较知名的中外合作办学品牌项目,在省内以及周边地区获得了较好的知名度和社会影响力。曹敏杰希望利用这次评估及时发现不足,通过双方及时沟通、调整和改进,总结经验,推动该项目更好地发展,提升学校办学的国际化水平,促进中美文化教育的交流与发展。
Dennis Gash介绍了美国商学院教育评鉴委员的功能和运行模式,指出美国商学院教育评鉴委员的首要任务是对相关商科院校教学进行评估,以确保所有学生受到良好的专业教育,学有所获。他对集美大学为确保合作办学项目教学质量所做出的努力表示赞赏,对学生们所取得的进步表示满意。
评估组一行考察了学校相关教学生活设施,听取相关课程,查阅相关资料,访谈师生代表以及毕业生代表,并与相关行政管理人员开展座谈等。期间,Dennis Gash还为我校相关学科的教师做了“认识国际大学商学院教育认证委员会及其评鉴程序和学术质量保证”的学术报告。
另悉,Dennis Gash一行还访问了我校诚毅学院,诚毅学院院长叶光煌等与Dennis Gash一行进行了会谈。双方就认证申请细节进行了探讨,表示应在人才培养上各取所长、互相合作,为培养出适应社会需要的高素质国际型人才而共同努力。会谈结束后,Dennis Gash一行还聆听了由美国库克大学教授、库克中国名誉终身校长黄天中博士所做的题为“数字化时代生涯规划新挑战”专题报告。