Chen Xi
Ninth week in Keuka College
Date:2021-11-15 Source:Chen Xi Diary
Have you ever seen coffin and game machine in the cafeteria of school? In China, definitely no. But in Keuka College in America, they actually turned up. In our school cafeteria, I saw a ligneous coffin and a game machine right at the corner. An American girl told me that they were intended for warning people against drunk driving. The coffin was used as a caution that intoxicated driving could lead to very bad consequence. Coffin, the worst ending. Meanwhile, the driving simulation was like the racing car game machine in China, players sitting in front of the screen and handling the steering wheel. In addition, the video game was very unique as well as instructive. The players could have the experience of drunk driving that the roads got blurry and they could hardly control their directions.
Drinking is a serious problem among many adolescents and young people in the United States, in spite of the legal age for drinking, twenty-one. So I think this was a very innovative and impressive way to give students a lesson.
During the weekend, the advisor, Yang invited some students to her house, called Trimmer House, which was built in 1891. It was constructed in European style with many Chinese traditional furnishings, elegant and cozy. The Trimmer House Bed and Breakfast also provides accommodations for people. In the evening, The Smith treated us very delicious sushi, beef and noodles.